
We offer a range of opportunities to connect with other members of the exchange working in ELC across Scotland.

If you work in ELC and have an interest in quality improvement methods, you can register to join the learning exchange here:


We use the Glow platform as our online space to connect with and support each other, share examples of QI in practice and links to evidence and research. Any members of the exchange who do not have a Glow account, please speak to your local authority support team in the first instance and ask if they can provide you with an account to access the network. If they are unable to authorise an account, please email us at and we will try to support you to get an account.


We continue to organise fringe sessions to discuss specific research, data or policy updates and how to use them to inform your practice. Our fringe sessions are an informal space where we connect around topics that you have said are important to you and where we think QI can bring a method to help. They are scheduled as and when opportunities arise and will be held on Microsoft Teams so that any member of the network can join. Invitations are automatically sent by email to all network members so grab your cuppa and join in the conversation!

The next fringe session 'All things Terrific Two's' is on 30 April, 4-5pm.

We will be joined by Scottish Government policy colleagues, Improvement Service and most importantly yourselves as the ELC sector workforce and will have time to think about:
• Eligibility
• Uptake
• Quality experiences, interactions and spaces for 2 year olds
• Sharing our local stories


Our recent “In Conversation” series encouraged curiosity with a question and answer format. It was great to have a chance to see what others are doing and share the highs and lows of their journey so far - plus there were lots of ideas shared that could be lovingly lifted and tested in your own context! We held four conversations across 2023 and the session recordings and presentations have been shared in Glow for members to access. A brief summary of each session is provided below.

In Conversation with Regional Speech and Language Leads - Thursday 7 December 2023
We heard from Louise Steel and her team of regional leads in Education Scotland who bring a renewed focus on supporting early language & communication development. We heard about the progress being made by the four local authorities participating in the Collaborate workstream to consider how to use a QI approach in their improvement work on this issue.

In Conversation with Edinburgh City Council ELC Team - Thursday 21 September 2023
We heard about the Quality Improvement journey that Tracey Shaw and Louise Muir from Edinburgh City Council ELC Team have been on over the last three and a half year years. They talked us through their early work in relation to uptake of eligible 2's places and how this evolved into supporting homeless families with children under 5 access their ELC entitlement. They shared their data showing how a relentless focus and rigorous application of QI tools and techniques can really have an impact. The session gave us an opportunity to hear the challenges they encountered along the way, ask questions and consider what wicked problems are in other localities or settings that could benefit from a QI approach.

In Conversation with East Dunbartonshire - Thursday 18 May 2023
We heard from Leona Stewart from East Dunbartonshire Council who shared her own QI journey with us. This included talking about the benefits of completing the Scottish Improvement Leader (ScIL) Programme after a number of years working on improving quality in early years and the projects she has applied QI methods to from identifying an issue right through to robust and sustained implementation. Leona also shared how she'd used a project charter to help define the purpose of staff training and how to measure the impact of training into improvement practice in settings as well as the importance of having baseline data to identify the gap you are trying to tackle. CYPIC Improvement Advisors also shared more information on how Project Charters can be used to support your improvement work.

In Conversation with West Lothian Equity Team - Wednesday 22 March 2023
We heard from Catherine Thomas (Equity Officer) and Karlie Gray (Equity Support Officer) from the Equity Team in West Lothian Council. Catherine has been involved in QI for a number of years having undertaken the Scottish Coaching and Leading for Improvement Programme (SCLIP) and also being part of the national Language Meets Literacy Practicum. Currently part of the Equity Team, Catherine previously worked with ELC and can share a wealth of learning and insight. Karlie is a recent Scottish Improvement Leader (ScIL) graduate, haven undertaken a focused project on attendance in Primary Schools as part of the programme. She also has a passion for involving our children in QI and has been trialling "Kids QI" in her Equity focused work.

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